by BrianTaylor | Sep 12, 2017 | 12 Blackened Petals Book 2, Podcast
[podbean type=audio-square resource=”episode=f3n72-6e5ff2″ skin=”9″ auto=”0″ height=315 ] Special Extended Track 3 CHAPTERS IN 1 Chapter 19: The Healing Hand Chapter 20: Reconciliation Chapter 21: The Third Petal Please...
by BrianTaylor | Sep 12, 2017 | 12 Blackened Petals Book 2, Podcast
[podbean type=audio-square resource=”episode=izijs-6d4b5f” skin=”9″ auto=”0″ height=315 ] Please Visit for access to podcast episodes and more. For a free digital copy of book 1, please...
by BrianTaylor | Sep 12, 2017 | 12 Blackened Petals Book 2, Podcast
[podbean type=audio-square resource=”episode=hr6c2-6d0dc2″ skin=”9″ auto=”0″ height=315 ] Part 2 of the final showdown between Sam and Malice. Please Visit for access to podcast episodes and more. For a...
by BrianTaylor | Jul 3, 2017 | 12 Blackened Petals Book 2, Podcast
[podbean type=audio-square resource=”episode=7ta6e-6c8d81″ skin=”9″ auto=”0″ height=315 ] Sophia finds Sam again. Please Visit for access to podcast episodes and more. For a free digital copy of...
by BrianTaylor | Jul 3, 2017 | 12 Blackened Petals Book 2, Podcast
[podbean type=audio-square resource=”episode=by4sm-6bff6a” skin=”9″ auto=”0″ height=315 ] WOW. This episode is action packed!!! Sam and Wei Jin go toe-to-toe. Please Visit for access to podcast...
by BrianTaylor | Jul 3, 2017 | Blog, Podcast
[podbean type=audio-square resource=”episode=c4gi2-6ba15e” skin=”9″ auto=”0″ height=315 ] I got the honor of sitting down for a recorded discussion with my best friend Nathan Leite AKA Nate The Average. We spent the time...